Online courses are sometimes a very convenient and quite easy way to get the knowledge you need. They can be useful for those who want to improve their qualifications, learn what they lacked at university, or even discover a new field to work in.

Very often online courses are sold on social networks by bloggers, but you should know that it is most likely an advertising integration, where they are given a course created in advance and offered to sell it. But it also happens that bloggers themselves sell courses. And, as practice shows, some of them are information bubbles or selling knowledge that is freely available online.

Own online course is an opportunity to share knowledge with others and at the same time have income. The purpose of creating them is not always material, so it is possible to find something really valuable and useful.

Bloggers and Influencers, in the vast majority, create this for their own enrichment, because in social networks the income is precisely from advertising and selling something of their own. They sell them to materialize likes and their posts. So, it is an attempt to commercialize their activities.

Is it possible to gain knowledge from online courses

Online courses do not provide a complete knowledge base as it works in a university. Therefore, a diploma of completion of a course, for example, on the basics of business or cosmetology, will not replace full-fledged studies and a university degree.

However, some online courses open the door to professions not yet taught in most universities, deepen basic knowledge or provide practical skills.

These can include graphic design, dubbing and editing, SMM and SEO specialization, rewriting and copywriting, nutritional science, working as a stylist, Google Data analytics, manicure or eyelash lamination, and so on.

This is because people’s new skills and knowledge emerge faster than the updated programs of study in higher education institutions. So in such cases, online courses can deepen the knowledge and teach something new.

But to teach something to other people, you need to be a professional in your field first of all.